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Zribi, L., Zribi, F., Marco-Contelles, J., Chabchoub, F., Ismaili, L. (2017)

Facile one-pot synthesis of new [1, 2, 4] triazolo [1, 5-a] pyridine derivatives by ultrasonic irradiation

Synthetic Communications, 47 (21), 1934–1939

Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Jarry, C., Merck, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Croisile, B., Osiurak, F., Le Gall, D. (2016)

Tool use disorders in neurodegenerative diseases: Roles of semantic memory and technical reasoning

Cortex, 82, 119-132, 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.06.007

Benchekroun, M., Romero, A., Egea, J., León, R., Michalska, P., Buendía, I., Jimeno, M. L., Jun, D., Janockova, J., Sepsova, V., Soukup, O., Bautista-Aguilera, O. M., Refouvelet, B., Ouari, O., Marco-Contelles, J., Ismaili, L. (2016)

The Antioxidant Additive Approach for Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy: New Ferulic (Lipoic) Acid Plus Melatonin Modified Tacrines as Cholinesterases Inhibitors, Direct Antioxidants, and Nuclear Factor (Erythroid-Derived 2)-Like 2 Activators

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59 (21), 9967-9973, 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.6b01178

Bereau, M., Magnin, E., Nicolier, M., Berthet, L., Dariel, E., Ferreira, S., Sylvestre, G., Monnin, J., Chopard, G., Bouladour, H., Vandel, P., Haffen, E. (2016)

Left Prefrontal Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in a Logopenic Variant of Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Case Report

European Neurology, 76 (1-2), 12-18, 10.1159/000447399

Bianchi, Renzo, Laurent, E. (2016)

Altered short-term plasticity within the working memory neural network: Is it neuroticism or is it depression?

Human Brain Mapping, 37 (4), 1512-1513, 10.1002/hbm.23116

Bianchi, Renzo, Laurent, E. (2016)

Memory sin: Misattribution, false recognition, and feeling of deja-vu when reading peers’ contributions

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 65, 34-34, 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.12.006

Bianchi, Renzo, Laurent, E. (2016)

Depressive symptomatology should be systematically controlled for in neuroticism research

Neuroimage, 125, 1099-1100, 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.07.088

Bianchi, Renzo, Laurent, E. (2016)

Levels and subtypes of depression should not be overlooked in research on neuroticism and cortisol

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 63, 382-382, 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.08.029

Bianchi, Renzo, Mayor, E., Schonfeld, I. S., Laurent, E. (2016)

Burnout-depression overlap: A study of New Zealand schoolteachers

New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 45 (3), 4-11

Bianchi, Renzo, Schonfeld, I. S., Laurent, E. (2016)

Burnout’s Prevalence Estimations: A House of Cards?

American Journal of Medical Quality, 31 (5), 492-492, 10.1177/1062860616645856

Bianchi, Renzo, Schonfeld, I. S., Laurent, E. (2016)

The Dead End of Current Research on Burnout Prevalence

Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 223 (2), 424-425

Bianchi, Renzo, Verkuilen, J., Brisson, R., Schonfeld, I. S., Laurent, E. (2016)

Burnout and depression: Label-related stigma, help-seeking, and syndrome overlap

Psychiatry Research, 245, 91-98, 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.08.025

Binetruy, M., Chopard, G., Laurent, E., Galmiche, J., Vandel, P., Moreau, T., Magnin, E. (2016)

Slowing of information processing speed without motor slowing in multiple sclerosis observed during two crossing-off tasks

Revue Neurologique, 172 (3), 225-230, 10.1016/j.neurol.2015.12.008

Bogousslavsky, J., Tatu, L. (2016)

Édouard Manet’s Tabes Dorsalis: From Painful Ataxia to Phantom Limb

European Neurology, 76 (1-2), 75-84, 10.1159/000447260

Bogousslavsky, J., Tatu, L. (2016)

Neurological Impact of World War I on the Artistic Avant-Garde: The Examples of André Breton, Guillaume Apollinaire and Blaise Cendrars

Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience, 38, 155-167, 10.1159/000442654

Boulebd, H., Ismaili, L., Bartolini, M., Bouraiou, A., Andrisano, V., Martin, H., Bonet, A., Moraleda, I., Iriepa, I., Chioua, M., Belfaitah, A., Marco-Contelles, J. (2016)

Imidazopyranotacrines as Non-Hepatotoxic, Selective Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors, and Antioxidant Agents for Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 21 (4), 400, 10.3390/molecules21040400

Bracard, S., Ducrocq, X., Mas, J. L., Soudant, M., Oppenheim, C., Moulin, T., Guillemin, F., THRACE investigators. (2016)

Mechanical thrombectomy after intravenous alteplase versus alteplase alone after stroke (THRACE): a randomised controlled trial

The Lancet. Neurology, 15 (11), 1138-1147, 10.1016/S1474-4422(16)30177-6

Branger, P., Arenaza-Urquijo, E. M., Tomadesso, C., Mézenge, F., André, C., de Flores, R., Mutlu, J., de La Sayette, V., Eustache, F., Chételat, G., Rauchs, G. (2016)

Relationships between sleep quality and brain volume, metabolism, and amyloid deposition in late adulthood

Neurobiology of Aging, 41, 107-114, 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2016.02.009

Breckpot, J., Vercruyssen, M., Weyts, E., Vandevoort, S., D’Haenens, G., Van Buggenhout, G., … Vogels, A. (2016)

Copy number variation analysis in adults with catatonia confirms haploinsufficiency of SHANK3 as a predisposing factor

European Journal of Medical Genetics, 59 (9), 436-443, 10.1016/j.ejmg.2016.08.003

Brunoni, A. R., Moffa, A. H., Fregni, F., Palm, U., Padberg, F., Blumberger, D. M., Daskalakis, Z. J., Bennabi, D., Haffen, E., Alonzo, A., Loo, C. K. (2016)

Transcranial direct current stimulation for acute major depressive episodes: meta-analysis of individual patient data.

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 208 (6), 522-531, 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.164715

Cabrol, C., Bienvenu, T., Ruaud, L., Girodon, E., Noacco, G., Delobeau, M., Fanian, F., Richaud-Thiriez, B., Van Maldergem, L., Aubin, F. (2016)

Aquagenic Palmoplantar Keratoderma as a CFTR-related Disorder

Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 96 (6), 848-849, 10.2340/00015555-2424

Chamard, L., Ferreira, S., Pijoff, A., Silvestre, M., Berger, E., Magnin, E. (2016)

Cognitive Impairment Involving Social Cognition in SPG4 Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia

Behavioural Neurology, 2016, 6423461, 10.1155/2016/6423461

Chamard, L., Sylvestre, G., Koenig, M., Magnin, E. (2016)

Executive and Attentional Disorders, Epilepsy and Porencephalic Cyst in Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia Type 3 Due to ANO10 Mutation

European Neurology, 75 (3-4), 186-190, 10.1159/000445109

Chapy, H., Saubamea, B., Tournier, N., Bourasset, F., Behar-Cohen, F., Decleves, X., Scherrmann, J. M., Cisternino, S. (2016)

Blood-brain and retinal barriers show dissimilar ABC transporter impacts and concealed effect of P-glycoprotein on a novel verapamil influx carrier

Br J Pharmacol, 173 (3), 497-510, 10.1111/bph.13376

Charpeaud, Thomas, Moliere, F., Bubrovszky, M., Haesebaert, F., Allaïli, N., Bation, R., … Aouizerate, B. (2016)

[Switching and combining strategies of antidepressant medications]

Presse Medicale (Paris, France: 1983), 45 (3), 329-337, 10.1016/j.lpm.2016.02.003

Chometton, Sandrine, Croizier, S., Fellmann, D., Risold, P.-Y. (2016)

The MCH neuron population as a model for the development and evolution of the lateral and dorsal hypothalamus

Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 75 (Pt A), 28-31, 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2015.09.004

Chometton, Sandrine, Pedron, S., Peterschmitt, Y., Van Waes, V., Fellmann, D., Risold, P.-Y. (2016)

A premammillary lateral hypothalamic nuclear complex responds to hedonic but not aversive tastes in the male rat

Brain Structure & Function, 221 (4), 2183-2208, 10.1007/s00429-015-1038-3

de Raykeer, R. P., Hoertel, N., Blanco, C., Lavaud, P., Kaladjian, A., Blumenstock, Y., Cuervo-Lombard, C.-V., Peyre, H., Lemogne, C., Limosin, F. (2016)

Cross-cultural equivalence in translation of the oral health impact profile: how to interpret the final score?

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 44 (3), 199-200; discussion 200, 10.1111/cdoe.12218

De Tomasi, L., David, P., Humbert, C., Silbermann, F., Arrondel, C., Tores, F., … Jeanpierre, C. (2016)

De novo mutations of KIAA2022 in females cause intellectual disability and intractable epilepsy

Journal of Medical Genetics, 53 (12), 850-858, 10.1136/jmedgenet-2016-103909

Delcourte, S., Abrial, E., Etiévant, A., Rovera, R., Arnt, J., Didriksen, M., Haddjeri, N. (2016)

Visualization of Inflammation at Early Stage of Lung Cancer in Xenografted Temporally Immunosuppression Rats by Ferrioxamine Magnetic Resonance Imaging

International Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2016, 8434308, 10.1155/2016/8434308

Dgachi, Y., Bautista-Aguilera, O., Benchekroun, M., Martin, H., Bonet, A., Knez, D., Godyń, J., Malawska, B., Gobec, S., Chioua, M., Janockova, J., Soukup, O., Chabchoub, F., Marco-Contelles, J., Ismaili, L. (2016)

Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Benzochromenopyrimidinones as Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Potent Antioxidant, Non-Hepatotoxic Agents for Alzheimer’s Disease

Molecules, 21 (5), 634, 10.3390/molecules21050634

Dgachi, Y., Ismaili, L., Knez, D., Benchekroun, M., Martin, H., Sza\laj, N., Wehle, S., Bautista-Aguilera, O. M., Luzet, V., Bonnet, A. (2016)

Synthesis and biological assessment of racemic benzochromenopyrimidinimines as antioxidant, cholinesterase, and Aβ1- 42 aggregation inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease therapy

ChemMedChem, 11 (12), 1318–1327

do Carmo Carreiras, M., Ismaili, L., Marco-Contelles, J. (2016)

Age-Dependent Regulation of the Blood-Brain Barrier Influx/Efflux Equilibrium of Amyloid-β Peptide in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease (3xTg-AD)

Journal of Alzheimer's disease: JAD, 49 (2), 287-300, 10.3233/JAD-150350

Doumy, O., Bennabi, D., El-Hage, W., Allaïli, N., Bation, R., Bellivier, F., … Haffen, E. (2016)

[Potentiation strategies]

Presse Medicale (Paris, France: 1983), 45 (3), 338-349, 10.1016/j.lpm.2016.02.004

Etiévant, A., Lucas, G., Dkhissi-Benyahya, O., Haddjeri, N. (2016)

The Role of Astroglia in the Antidepressant Action of Deep Brain Stimulation

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 9, 509, 10.3389/fncel.2015.00509

Etiévant, A., Lucas, G., Haddjeri, N. (2016)

Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression: Is It a Gray or White “Matter”?

Biological Psychiatry, 80 (6), e43-e44, 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.11.029

Etiévant, A., Lucas, G., Haddjeri, N. (2016)

[Astroglial modulation of deep brain stimulation in depression]

Medecine Sciences: M/S, 32 (8-9), 687-689, 10.1051/medsci/20163208009

Feuvrier, D., Sagawa, Y., Béliard, S., Pauchot, J., Decavel, P. (2016)

Long-term donor-site morbidity after vascularized free fibula flap harvesting: Clinical and gait analysis

Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 69 (2), 262-269, 10.1016/j.bjps.2015.10.007

Fond, G., Bennabi, D., Haffen, E., Brunel, L., Micoulaud-Franchi, J.-A., Loundou, A., Lançon, C., Llorca, P.-M., Auquier, P., Boyer, L. (2016)

A Bayesian framework systematic review and meta-analysis of anesthetic agents effectiveness/tolerability profile in electroconvulsive therapy for major depression

Scientific Reports, 6, 19847, 10.1038/srep19847

For ePLM network and collaborators, Paquet, C., Magnin, E., Wallon, D., Troussière, A.-C., Dumurgier, J., … Mouton-Liger, F. (2016)

Utility of CSF biomarkers in psychiatric disorders: a national multicentre prospective study

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 8 (1), 27, 10.1186/s13195-016-0192-z

Gabriel, D., Muzard, E., Henriques, J., Mignot, C., Pazart, L., André-Obadia, N., Ortega, J.-P., Moulin, T. (2016)

Replicability and impact of statistics in the detection of neural responses of consciousness

Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 139 (Pt 6), e30, 10.1093/brain/aww065

Gabriel, D., Wong, T. C., Nicolier, M., Giustiniani, J., Mignot, C., Noiret, N., Monnin, J., Magnin, E., Pazart, L., Moulin, T., Haffen, E., Vandel, P. (2016)

Don’t forget the lyrics! Spatiotemporal dynamics of neural mechanisms spontaneously evoked by gaps of silence in familiar and newly learned songs

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 132, 18-28, 10.1016/j.nlm.2016.04.011

Galaine, J., Kellermann, G., Guillaume, Y., Boidot, R., Picard, E., Loyon, R., Queiroz, L., Boullerot, L., Beziaud, L., Jary, M., Mansi, L., André, C., Lethier, L., Ségal-Bendirdjian, E., Borg, C., Godet, Y., Adotévi, O. (2016)

Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans Promote Telomerase Internalization and MHC Class II Presentation on Dendritic Cells

The Journal of Immunology, 197 (5), 1597-1608, 10.4049/jimmunol.1502633

Georgin-Lavialle, S., Moura, D. S., Salvador, A., Chauvet-Gelinier, J.-C., Launay, J.-M., Damaj, G., … Gaillard, R. (2016)

Mast cells’ involvement in inflammation pathways linked to depression: evidence in mastocytosis.

Molecular psychiatry, 21 (11), 1511-1516, 10.1038/mp.2015.216

Goldenberg, A., Riccardi, F., Tessier, A., Pfundt, R., Busa, T., Cacciagli, P., … Philip, N. (2016)

Clinical and molecular findings in 39 patients with KBG syndrome caused by deletion or mutation of ANKRD11

American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 170 (11), 2847-2859, 10.1002/ajmg.a.37878

Guédon, A., Clarençon, F., Di Maria, F., Rosso, C., Biondi, A., Gabrieli, J., Rojas, P., Chiras, J., Sourour, N. (2016)

Very late ischemic complications in flow-diverter stents: a retrospective analysis of a single-center series

Journal of Neurosurgery, 125 (4), 929-935, 10.3171/2015.10.JNS15703

Guillaume, Y. C., Lethier, L., Andre, C. (2016)

An HPLC method associated with a thermodynamic analysis to compare the binding of TRAIL and its nanovectorized form to death receptors DR4 and DR5 and their relationship to cytotoxicity

Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 1036-1037, 142-148, 10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.10.013

Haffen, E., Poulet, E. (2016)

[Unsatisfactory response: definition and involvement].

L'Encephale, 42 (1 Suppl 1), 1S31-38, 10.1016/S0013-7006(16)30017-3

Hartley, A. A., Maquestiaux, F., Festini, S. B., Frazier, K., Krimmer, P. J. (2016)

Backward compatibility effects in younger and older adults

Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78 (5), 1337-1350, 10.3758/s13414-016-1113-8

Henriques, J., Gabriel, D., Grigoryeva, L., Haffen, E., Moulin, T., Aubry, R., Pazart, L., Ortega, J.-P. (2016)

Protocol Design Challenges in the Detection of Awareness in Aware Subjects Using EEG Signals

Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 47 (4), 266-275, 10.1177/1550059414560397

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