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Henriques, Julie, Pazart, L., Grigoryeva, L., Muzard, E., Beaussant, Y., Haffen, E., Moulin, T., Aubry, R., Ortega, J.-P., Gabriel, D. (2016)

Bedside Evaluation of the Functional Organization of the Auditory Cortex in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness

PloS One, 11 (1), e0146788, 10.1371/journal.pone.0146788

Holtzmann, J., Richieri, R., Saba, G., Allaïli, N., Bation, R., Moliere, F., … Haffen, E. (2016)

[How to define treatment-resistant depression?]

Presse Medicale (Paris, France: 1983), 45 (3), 323-328, 10.1016/j.lpm.2016.02.002

Hu, H., Haas, S. A., Chelly, J., Van Esch, H., Raynaud, M., de Brouwer, A. P. M., … Kalscheuer, V. M. (2016)

X-exome sequencing of 405 unresolved families identifies seven novel intellectual disability genes

Molecular Psychiatry, 21 (1), 133-148, 10.1038/mp.2014.193

Jalenques, I., Rondepierre, F., Massoubre, C., Haffen, E., Grand, J. P., Labeille, B., Perrot, J. L., Aubin, F., Skowron, F., Mulliez, A., D’Incan, M. (2016)

High prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients with skin-restricted lupus: a case-control study.

The British journal of dermatology, 174 (5), 1051-1060, 10.1111/bjd.14392

Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., Besnard, J., Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Croisile, B., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Le Gall, D. (2016)

Tool use in left brain damage and Alzheimer’s disease: What about function and manipulation knowledge?

Journal of Neuropsychology, 10 (1), 154-159, 10.1111/jnp.12097

Kubicki, Alexandre, Fautrelle, L., Bourrelier, J., Rouaud, O., Mourey, F. (2016)

The Early Indicators of Functional Decrease in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8, 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00193

Kuzinas, A., Noiret, N., Bianchi, R., Laurent, E. (2016)

The Effects of Image Hue and Semantic Content on Viewer’s Emotional Self-Reports, Pupil Size, Eye Movements, and Skin Conductance Response

Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts, 10 (3), 360-371, 10.1037/a0040274

Laurent, E., Bianchi, R. (2016)

Macrocognition through the Multiscale Enaction Model (MEM) Lens: Identification of a Blind Spot of Macrocognition Research

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1123, 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01123

Le Guennec, K., Nicolas, G., Quenez, O., Charbonnier, C., Wallon, D., Bellenguez, C., … CNR-MAJ collaborators. (2016)

ABCA7 rare variants and Alzheimer disease risk

Neurology, 86 (23), 2134-2137, 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002627

Lerat, J., Jonard, L., Loundon, N., Christin-Maitre, S., Lacombe, D., Goizet, C., Rouzier, C., Van Maldergem, L., Gherbi, S., Garabedian, E.-N., Bonnefont, J.-P., Touraine, P., Mosnier, I., Munnich, A., Denoyelle, F., Marlin, S. (2016)

An Application of NGS for Molecular Investigations in Perrault Syndrome: Study of 14 Families and Review of the Literature

Human Mutation, 37 (12), 1354-1362, 10.1002/humu.23120

Lesourd, M., Baumard, J., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Croisile, B., Chauviré, V., Granjon, M., Le Gall, D., Osiurak, F. (2016)

Mechanical problem-solving strategies in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia.

Neuropsychology, 30 (5), 612-623, 10.1037/neu0000241

Leys, D., Hommet, Y., Jacquet, C., Moulin, S., Sibon, I., Mas, J.-L., … OPHELIE investigators and the STROKAVENIR network. (2016)

Proportion of single-chain recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and outcome after stroke

Neurology, 87 (23), 2416-2426, 10.1212/WNL.0000000000003399

Magnin, E., Bereau, M., Chamard, L., Jary, A., Moreau, T., Berger, E. (2016)

Isolated pure verbal amnesia as the disease onset of probable multiple sclerosis with a left forniceal black hole

Revue Neurologique, 172 (6-7), 396-398, 10.1016/j.neurol.2016.03.008

Magnin, Eloi, Démonet, J.-F., Wallon, D., Dumurgier, J., Troussière, A.-C., Jager, A., … ePLM collaborators. (2016)

Primary Progressive Aphasia in the Network of French Alzheimer Plan Memory Centers

Journal of Alzheimer's disease: JAD, 54 (4), 1459-1471, 10.3233/JAD-160536

Magnin, Eloi, Popp, J. (2016)

[Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease in current clinical practice]

Revue Medicale Suisse, 12 (515), 791-794

Mallaret, M., Renaud, M., Redin, C., Drouot, N., Muller, J., Severac, F., … Koenig, M. (2016)

Validation of a clinical practice-based algorithm for the diagnosis of autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias based on NGS identified cases

Journal of Neurology, 263 (7), 1314-1322, 10.1007/s00415-016-8112-5

Maquestiaux, F. (2016)

Qualitative attentional changes with age in doing two tasks at once

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23 (1), 54-61, 10.3758/s13423-015-0881-9

Marco-Contelles, J., Unzeta, M., Bolea, I., Esteban, G., Ramsay, R. R., Romero, A., Martínez-Murillo, R., Carreiras, M. C., Ismaili, L. (2016)

ASS234, As a New Multi-Target Directed Propargylamine for Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 294, 10.3389/fnins.2016.00294

Mas, J.-L., Derumeaux, G., Amarenco, P., Arquizan, C., Aubry, P., Barthelet, M., … CLOSE investigators. (2016)

close: Closure of patent foramen ovale, oral anticoagulants or antiplatelet therapy to prevent stroke recurrence: Study design

International Journal of Stroke: Official Journal of the International Stroke Society, 11 (6), 724-732, 10.1177/1747493016643551

Mazerolle, M., Régner, I., Barber, S. J., Paccalin, M., Miazola, A.-C., Huguet, P., Rigalleau, F. (2016)

Negative Aging Stereotypes Impair Performance on Brief Cognitive Tests Used to Screen for Predementia

The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, gbw083, 10.1093/geronb/gbw083

Millot, J.-L., Laurent, L., Casini, L. (2016)

The Influence of Odors on Time Perception

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 181, 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00181

Miyake, N., Abdel-Salam, G., Yamagata, T., Eid, M. M., Osaka, H., Okamoto, N., Mohamed, A. M., Ikeda, T., Afifi, H. H., Piard, J., van Maldergem, L., Mizuguchi, T., Miyatake, S., Tsurusaki, Y., Matsumoto, N. (2016)

Clinical features of SMARCA2 duplication overlap with Coffin-Siris syndrome

American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 170 (10), 2662-2670, 10.1002/ajmg.a.37778

Morin, L., Beaussant, Y., Aubry, R., Fastbom, J., Johnell, K. (2016)

Aggressiveness of End-of-Life Care for Hospitalized Individuals with Cancer with and without Dementia: A Nationwide Matched-Cohort Study in France

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64 (9), 1851-1857, 10.1111/jgs.14363

Morin, L., Johnell, K., Van den Block, L., Aubry, R. (2016)

Discussing end-of-life issues in nursing homes: a nationwide study in France

Age and Ageing, 45 (3), 395-402, 10.1093/ageing/afw046

Nicolas, G., Charbonnier, C., Wallon, D., Quenez, O., Bellenguez, C., Grenier-Boley, B., … CNR-MAJ collaborators. (2016)

SORL1 rare variants: a major risk factor for familial early-onset Alzheimer’s disease

Molecular Psychiatry, 21 (6), 831-836, 10.1038/mp.2015.121

Osiurak, F., De Oliveira, E., Navarro, J., Lesourd, M., Claidière, N., Reynaud, E. (2016)

Physical intelligence does matter to cumulative technological culture.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145 (8), 941-948, 10.1037/xge0000189

Osiurak, F., Reynaud, E., Navarro, J., Lesourd, M. (2016)

Commentary: Effects of dividing attention on memory for declarative and procedural aspects of tool use

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01488

Perrotti, A., Mariet, A.-S., Durst, C., Monaco, F., Vandel, P., Monnet, E., Chocron, S. (2016)

Relationship between depression and health-related quality of life in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: a MOTIV-CABG substudy

Quality of Life Research, 25 (6), 1433-1440, 10.1007/s11136-015-1173-6

Petit, A.-C., Eutrope, J., Thierry, A., Bednarek, N., Aupetit, L., Saad, S., Vulliez, L., Sibertin-Blanc, D., Nezelof, S., Rolland, A.-C. (2016)

Mother’s Emotional and Posttraumatic Reactions after a Preterm Birth: The Mother-Infant Interaction Is at Stake 12 Months after Birth

PloS One, 11 (3), e0151091, 10.1371/journal.pone.0151091

Pierot, L., Biondi, A. (2016)

Endovascular techniques for the management of wide-neck intracranial bifurcation aneurysms: A critical review of the literature

Journal of Neuroradiology. Journal De Neuroradiologie, 43 (3), 167-175, 10.1016/j.neurad.2016.02.001

Poulet, E., Galvao, F., Haffen, E., Szekely, D., Brault, C., Haesebaert, F., Brunelin, J. (2016)

Effects of smoking status and MADRS retardation factor on response to low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression.

European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists, 38, 40-44, 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.04.004

Régner, I., Mazerolle, M., Alescio-Lautier, B., Clarys, D., Michel, B., Paccalin, M., Piolino, P., Rigalleau, F., Sambuchi, N., Huguet, P. (2016)

Aging Stereotypes Must be Taken Into Account for the Diagnosis of Prodromal and Early Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 30 (1), 77-79, 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000129

Reynaud, Emanuelle, Lesourd, M., Navarro, J., Osiurak, F. (2016)

On the neurocognitive origins of human tool use : A critical review of neuroimaging data

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 64, 421-437, 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.03.009

Rhee, Y., Houttekier, D., MacLeod, R., Wilson, D. M., Cardenas-Turanzas, M., Loucka, M., Aubry, R., Teno, J., Roh, S., Reinecke, M. A., Deliens, L., Cohen, J. (2016)

International comparison of death place for suicide; a population-level eight country death certificate study

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51 (1), 101-106, 10.1007/s00127-015-1148-5

Saba, G., Nieto, I., Bation, R., Allaïli, N., Bennabi, D., Moliere, F., … Aouizerate, B. (2016)

[Other therapeutic strategies]

Presse Medicale (Paris, France: 1983), 45 (3), 350-359, 10.1016/j.lpm.2016.02.005

Sagawa, Y., Magnin, E., Paillot, L., Moulin, T., Decavel, P. (2016)

Fampridine and quality of life in individuals with multiple sclerosis

SpringerPlus, 5 (1), 1070, 10.1186/s40064-016-2776-2

Schonfeld, I. S., Laurent, E., Vandel, P., Bianchi, R. (2016)

Burnout and Depression in Psychiatric Residents

Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie, 61 (11), 737-738, 10.1177/0706743716664333

Schott, J. M., Crutch, S. J., Carrasquillo, M. M., Uphill, J., Shakespeare, T. J., Ryan, N. S., … Mead, S. (2016)

Genetic risk factors for the posterior cortical atrophy variant of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 12 (8), 862-871, 10.1016/j.jalz.2016.01.010

Servant, M., White, C., Montagnini, A., Burle, B. (2016)

Linking Theoretical Decision-making Mechanisms in the Simon Task with Electrophysiological Data: A Model-based Neuroscience Study in Humans

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28 (10), 1501-1521, 10.1162/jocn_a_00989

Soares, A.V., (2016)

Relationship between dynapenia, sarcopenia and functional mobility in institutionalized frail elderly

Medicina (Ribeirao Preto. Online), 49 (3), 195, 10.11606/issn.2176-7262.v49i3p195-201

Soares, A.V., Borges Júnior, N. G., Hounsell, M. S., Marcelino, E., Rossito, G. M., Sagawa Júnior, Y. (2016)

A serious game developed for physical rehabilitation of frail elderly

European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en Télémédecine, 5 (2), 45-53, 10.1016/j.eurtel.2016.05.003

Soares, Antonio V., Marcelino, E., Borges Júnior, N. G., Domenech, S. C., Loch, M. S. G., Sagawa Júnior, Y. (2016)

Therapeutic effects of an exercise program using a serious game developed for frail elderly rehabilitation

Revista Kairós Gerontologia, 19 (4), 71-87

Szostak, J., Miguet-Alfonsi, C., Berthelot, A., Laurant, P. (2016)

Training-induced anti-atherosclerotic effects are associated with increased vascular PPARgamma expression in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice

Acta Physiologica, 216 (2), 221-230, 10.1111/apha.12615

Szymanska, M., Chateau Smith, C., Monnin, J., Andrieu, P., Girard, F., Galdon, L., Schneider, M., Pazart, L., Nezelof, S., Vulliez-Coady, L. (2016)

Effects of Intranasal Oxytocin on Emotion Regulation in Insecure Adolescents: Study Protocol for a Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial.

JMIR research protocols, 5 (4), e206, 10.2196/resprot.5643

Taschner, C. A., Chapot, R., Costalat, V., Machi, P., Courthéoux, P., Barreau, X., … Bonafé, A. (2016)

GREAT-a randomized controlled trial comparing HydroSoft/HydroFrame and bare platinum coils for endovascular aneurysm treatment: procedural safety and core-lab-assessedangiographic results

Neuroradiology, 58 (8), 777-786, 10.1007/s00234-016-1693-y

Tatu, L., Bogousslavsky, J. (2016)

Neuropsychiatric Disturbances, Self-Mutilation and Malingering in the French Armies during World War I: War Strain or Cowardice?

Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience, 38, 143-154, 10.1159/000442653

Tauziede-Espariat, A., Maues de Paula, A., Pages, M., Laquerriere, A., Caietta, E., Delpont, B., Viennet, G., Medeiros de Bustos, E., Moulin, T., Barnerias, C., Vauleon, E., Grill, J., Chiforeanu, D., Vasiljevic, A., Varlet, P. (2016)

Primary Leptomeningeal Gliomatosis in Children and Adults: A Morphological and Molecular Comparative Study With Literature Review

Neurosurgery, 78 (3), 343-352, 10.1227/NEU.0000000000001028

Tomassoli, I., Herlem, G., Picaud, F., Benchekroun, M., Bautista-Aguilera, O. M., Luzet, V., Jimeno, M.-L., Gharbi, T., Refouvelet, B., Ismaili, L. (2016)

Synthesis, regioselectivity, and DFT analysis of new antioxidant pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinoline-3,4-diones

Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 147 (6), 1069-1079, 10.1007/s00706-016-1660-7

Verlut, C., Mouillet, G., Magnin, E., Buffet-Miny, J., Viennet, G., Cattin, F., Billon-Grand, N. C., Bonnet, E., Servagi-Vernat, S., Godard, J., Billon-Grand, R., Petit, A., Moulin, T., Cals, L., Pivot, X., Curtit, E. (2016)

Age, Neurological Status MRC Scale, and Postoperative Morbidity are Prognostic Factors in Patients with Glioblastoma Treated by Chemoradiotherapy

Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology, 10, 77-82, 10.4137/CMO.S38474

Vernerey, D., Anota, A., Vandel, P., Paget-Bailly, S., Dion, M., Bailly, V., Bonin, M., Pozet, A., Foubert, A., Benetkiewicz, M., Manckoundia, P., Bonnetain, F. (2016)

Erratum to: Development and validation of the FRAGIRE tool for assessment an older person’s risk for frailty

BMC Geriatrics, 16 (1), 212, 10.1186/s12877-016-0385-0

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